WSASP is pleased to offer a variety of professional development opportunities. Each event is displayed below in the order in which they occur.
Instead of our traditional Spring Lecture Series, WSASP invites you to explore a series of on-demand MTSS videos from our Fall 2024 Conference. Watch these presentations with your building or district teams to help ensure alignment with OSPI's goal of full MTSS implementation by 2028, coinciding with the phase-out of the discrepancy model.
What's Included:
The following videos are included in all packages (6 videos, 12 clock hours)
Choose One of the Packages Below:(After buying any MTSS video set, enhance your experience by adding more ‘MTSS Adventures’ bundles at only $40 per bundle.)
MTSS Adventure 1: MTSS 101: Foundations of MTSS (6 videos, 8 clock hours total)
MTSS Adventure 2: MTSS 201: The Next Level (5 videos, 8 clock hours total)
MTSS Adventure 3: Moving from Discrepancy to RTI in Determining SLD Eligibility (5 videos, 8 clock hours total)
MTSS Adventure 4: MTSS Foundations for Social-Emotional & Behavior (5 videos, 8 clock hours total)
MTSS Adventure 5: Data-Based Decision-Making within an MTSS Framework (5 videos, 8 clock hours)
Ethics on Demand
Choose from three Ethics presentations from past WSASP Fall Conferences. Earn 3 clock hours per presentation (up to 9 hours total). Watch one, two, or all three—your choice!
Available Presentations - $25 Each
Washington State Association of School Psychologists 816 W. Francis Ave #214 Spokane, WA 99205 509-724-1587
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