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Contact Us

The most common questions are outlined below and should help you to direct your questions to the correct member of our team. If you have a question not addressed in the table below, please contact Kristi Wilson, WSASP Office Manager, at

Find us Online:


Registration: Secondary Summit/Fall Conference/Spring Lecture Series
Payments: Secondary Summit/Fall Conference/Spring Lecture Series
Special arrangements: Secondary Summit/Fall Conference/Spring Lecture Series
Technical Assistance: Secondary Summit/Fall Conference/Spring Lecture Series

We are always looking for volunteers to help out the following committees:
  • Government Relations (meet with legislators)
  • Assessment (test out and evaluate the latest editions of our tools)
  • Professional Development (help design PD activities)
Interested in helping out by being on a committee?
Interested in helping out with our Fall Conference?
Interested in contributing an article to the SCOPE?

Collaboration, Consultation and Celebration:
Want to hear how other Washington School Psychologists are doing things?
  • Find your cohort members and facilitate inter-district connections through our Member Directory
  • Have a question regarding professional ethics? – Michael Kirlin
  • Interested in nominating a psychologist or organization for an award? - See our Awards page

Publication of Outside Materials

The Washington State Association of School Psychologists strives to provide our members, the families we serve, the administrators we work with and the general public with the information they require to make sound decisions for students. 

Criteria for inclusion in our SCOPE or Prior Written Notice newsletters:

  1. Must be consistent with our mission and vision: Supporting students and fostering student success.
  2. Must focus on the needs of students/families and/or schools.
  3. Services available to people in Washington state
  4. Must have a positive or generally neutral view toward home-schools relationships i.e. not encouraging confrontation or criticism
  5. Accepting of diversity: non-sexist, non-racist, non-partisan, not taking any particular religious point  of view
  6. Must focus on information, not selling any product or service. Paid ads may be placed in the quarterly SCOPE or Fall Conference brochure.

If your submission meets these criteria, please send the information, along with your contact information, to Your submission will be reviewed by the WSASP Communications Committee before being published. 

Professional Development topics/speakers
WSASP Guidance Papers

Washington State Association of School Psychologists
816 W. Francis Ave #214
Spokane, WA 99205

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