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[Post-Event] 2020 Northwest Region School Psychology Virtual Fall Conference

  • October 21, 2020
  • 8:00 AM (PDT)
  • January 20, 2021
  • 5:00 PM (PDT)
  • Online Virtual


  • All practitioners (both members & non-members)
  • This registration is for those retired school psychologists and school psychology students.

Registration is closed

Post-Event Registration for

Washington State Association of School Psychologists Presents

Northwest Regional School Psychology Virtual Conference

Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska and Hawaii
& Council for Exceptional Children - Idaho

Attention psychologists,

If you were unable to attend the fall conference but are interested in obtaining recordings of the large majority of the talks, you are welcome to register for the conference and gain access to the recordings.

The cost for access is the same for member registration; $150 for practitioners; $50 for students/retired.  Registration is essential as speakers only agreed to allow registered psychologists access to the recordings of their talks.

Following receipt of registration, you will be sent via e-mail, an access code for the talks.

You will be eligible for up to 22 clock hours dependent on how many of the recordings you listen to.  This is an honor system as is typical with clock hours. Direct questions regarding the clock hour process to or

Please complete the registration form to start the process.

Washington State Association of School Psychologists
816 W. Francis Ave #214
Spokane, WA 99205

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