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Social Justice Task Force Resources

WSASP has identified and compiled these resources through the work of school psychologists across the state of Washington.  These come from a variety of sources and are intended to help schools and families engage in constructive dialogue about social justice issues in the hopes that we can work together to shift the conversation from hate and violence toward understanding and respect. We will be adding to these resources over time.

General Equity and Justice Information

Black History Month Resources Guide for Educators and Families

Author(s): Various

Tags: General Equity and Justice Information, Inclusion, District Level, School Level, Student Level, Article, List of Resources

Description: Resources from the Center for Racial Justice in Education focused on Black History Month in schools, with resources specific to the intersection of race and gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender-identity.

Demystifying Social Justice for School Psychologists

Author(s): Celeste M. Malone & Sherrie L. Proctor

Tags: General Equity and Justice Information, District Level, School Level, Student Level

Description: Recognition and acknowledgement of cultural variables are cornerstones of ethical school psychology practice (National Association of School Psychologists [NASP], 2010b). School psychologists are expected to possess knowledge about diversity factors and how they impact students and have the skills to effectively serve children and families of all backgrounds (NASP, 2010a). Moreover, school psychologists have an ethical responsibility to be advocates and work toward creating school climates conducive to the success of all students (NASP, 2010b). However, there are students who, by virtue of their group membership and identities, have less social power and are more likely to encounter systemic barriers to educational success (Ratts & Greenleaf, 2018). To adequately support students from these historically marginalized groups, school psychologists must engage in culturally competent school psychology practice while simultaneously using a social justice framework to challenge the institutional and systemic barriers that may prevent these students from reaching their full potential (Singh, 2010).

Establishing Norms

Author(s): Advancing Racial Equity in Schools

Tags: School Level, District Level, General Equity and Justice Information, Website

Description: These norms may be useful agreements to make within any group working on social justice and equity work.

Implicit Bias - A foundation for School Psychologists

Author(s): NASP

Tags: General Equity and Justice Information, District Level, School Level, Student Level

Description: Despite our training as education and mental health professionals, like others with whom we serve, school psychologists are shaped by our personal experiences and interactions with the world around us, which makes us vulnerable to implicit bias. School psychologists have a professional responsibility to ensure that all students receive an equitable and just education that not only prepares them for academic success but also places them in a position to make meaningful contributions to society (NASP, 2013). Although we have a moral and ethical obligation to operate without bias and prejudice, implicit bias is arguably one of the most significant challenges facing our profession as it influences the educational outcomes of an increasingly diverse student body.

Intersectionality and School Psychology - Implications for Practice

Author(s): NASP

Tags: General Equity and Justice Information, District Level, School Level, Student Level

Description: This article was written in reference to the recently released National Association of School Psychologists (2017) infographic, Understanding Intersectionality. The article explores how intersectionality can be used as a lens to aid in school psychologists' understanding of their own intersecting identities as well as those of the students they serve, particularly in relation to how the intersection of identities interact with privilege or oppression. The article briefly reviews research on Black girls' disproportionate representation in school-based discipline to illustrate how the intersection of gender and race can interact with school-based disciplinary systems, resulting in inequitable outcomes for Black girls. The article concludes with recommendations for how school psychologists can use intersectionality as a practice lens to encourage social justice for those students whose chances of experiencing marginalization and discrimination are increased based on their identities.

Map of Native/Indigenous land and language

Author(s): Native Land Digital, Website

Tags: General Equity and Justice Information, District Level, School Level, Student Level

Description: This interactive map shows Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages across the world in a way that goes beyond colonial ways of thinking in order to better represent how Indigenous people want to see themselves.

NASP’s Effective Service Delivery for Indigenous Children, Youth, Families, and Communities 

Authors: NASP

Tags: General Equity and Justice Information, District Level, School Level, Student Level

Description: This document outlines NASP’s Indigenous Framework for effective and culturally responsible service delivery for Indigenous Youth. 

Seeing White

Author(s): Seen On Radio Podcast Hosted by John Biewen

Tags: General Equity and Justice Information, Foundational, Podcast

Description: This fourteen-part documentary podcast series asks questions about why we were seeing a flare up of racist actions in 2017. Why? Where did the notion of “whiteness” come from? What does it mean? What is whiteness for?

Social Justice Resource List

Author(s): Various

Tags: Assessment, General Equity and Justice Information, General Psychological Practices, District Level, School Level, List of Resources

Description: A list of resources pertaining to social justice information and research, organized by practice focus area.

Speak Up At School- How to Respond to Everyday Prejudice, Bias, and Stereotypes

Author(s): Teaching Tolerance Publication

Tags: General Equity and Justice Information, School Level, Student Level, Booklet

Description: This resource serves as a guide for educators when encountering individuals in their school (student, colleague, parent) who use biased language. Could be help helpful for beginners to intermediate who are unsure as to how to respond in these situations

Stamped From the Beginning

Author(s): Ibram X. Kendi

Tags: General Equity and Justice Information, Foundational, Book, Author(s) or Creator(s) of Color, History

Description: This book is a history of racism in the United States and can help individuals develop a more complex understanding of the context in which racism today takes place. This is not specific to education or school psychology. This book is available where books are sold, and linked above are discussion questions.

Under Our Skin

Author(s): Seattle Times

Tags: General Equity and Justice Information, Foundational, Video(s), Website, Author(s) or Creator(s) of Color

Description: This is a series of videos with embedded activities and reflections focused around issues of race such as micro-aggressions, implicit bias, white privileges, etc. Though not specifically intended for educators or school psychologists it does touch on issues in schools.

Understanding Race and Privilege

Author(s): NASP

Tags: General Equity and Justice Information, District Level, School Level, Student Level

Description: This document is part of a series of resources developed by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) in response to recent acts of racial violence and the increasingly uncivil discourse occurring across our country. It is important for school psychologists and other educators to understand the historical and contemporary conditions that have resulted in many of these violent acts, as well as others’ reactions (including violence) to these events. NASP seeks to help schools and families engage in constructive dialogue about privilege, prejudice, power, and the ways that all of us can work together to shift the conversation from hate and violence toward understanding and respect to ultimately bring about positive change and unity to our communities.

White Fragility

Author(s): Robin DiAngelo

Tags: Antiracism, General Equity and Justice Information, Foundational, Book

Description: This resource is not specific to school psychology or education, but is to inform the foundational understanding of the role of white people in systemic racism. This book is informative primarily for white folks who are not cognizant of the role white people broadly carry in upholding systems of racism and is recommended as a primer on the concept of whiteness as a race in the racist systems built into our society in the US. See the Readers guide for more information prior to reading. This book is available where books are sold, and linked above are discussion questions for educators.

White Supremacy Culture in Organizations

Author(s): Created by Centre for Community Organizations, based on workbook by Tema Okun at Dismantling Racism Works

Tags: School Level, District Level, General Equity and Justice Information, Culture & Climate, Booklet

Description: This resource features a list of characteristics of white supremacy

culture that show up in organizations and is intended to spark conversations

about racism (including antidotes to racism) within organizations.

Washington State Association of School Psychologists
816 W. Francis Ave #214
Spokane, WA 99205

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