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Thank You!

The WSASP Governmental and Public Relations Committee (GPR) would like to personally thank you for visiting the Advocacy Action Center! We are all very busy, and we know your time is precious, so we value that you are willing to take time to make your voice heard. We are excited to offer these resources to help you get active today.

As a resident in the state of Washington, you have 3 federal representatives, and 3 state representatives. These people value your input, and will listen to you! What is amazing though, is that they may not even know your job exists, or what it is that you do. WE need to fix this! In our jobs we often have the opportunity to educate our colleagues in a variety of areas. Now, we need to take that leadership to Olympia and DC! Get out there via email, letter, phone, or personal meeting, and educate your representatives about what you do! If the people writing and passing laws do not know who we are, we cannot expect them to consider our needs or expertise in their decisions. We are in the initial steps of a grassroots movement to have a more vocal role in the state.

There will come a time when WSASP calls upon you to raise your voice on a particular issue or law being discussed in the legislature, when that happens, we will have what you need to get it done, all here in the advocacy center.

At any time, you can contact your representatives, offer yourself as a resource if the representative in question needs any information about schools, learning, etc. Federally, NASP always has the One Minute Solution where you can contact your federal representative on specific issues they are addressing, or you can send a personal letter. We hope that you will find the resources on this page helpful.

Washington State Association of School Psychologists
816 W. Francis Ave #214
Spokane, WA 99205

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