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Internship Sites

To assist students who are studying school psychology with finding appropriate field sites, the Washington State Association of School Psychologists surveyed our members about school district practicum and internship field sites. WSASP does not verify each member's survey input and highly recommends checking the individual district's website and to seek additional information from individual districts if there are questions about any of this information. We appreciate feedback if inaccurate information is identified in our list. 

This data is from our January 2017 survey.

Results from this survey include:

School District Hosts Interns? Postings open in: District Website WSASP Website Through Universities Are there any details about an internship in this district that interns should know? 
Aberdeen School District (Area 5)
Auburn School District (Area 1D) Yes
Battle Ground School District  Yes Jan X Most building have at least 1 full time school psychologist. At the elementary level, school psychologist are .35 school counselor. Interns are initially provided extensive support, and provided more independence over time. The special education directors are forward-thinking, and the district as a whole is working toward full social emotional instruction in all schools. 
Bethel School District (Area 9) Yes Jan X
Blaine School District (Area 3) Yes Contact director X X We had a paid intern last school year (he had a full caseload) and he currently works as a full time School Psych, in our district.  We have 3 School Psychs and 4 schools with about 2000 kids total in our district. We divide the load, EC - 3rd grade, 4th - 8th, and HS/Transition + coordinating. This caseload fluctuates with our students to even out the work load. We are located on the border of Canada and we have 1 school (only 12 kids) in Point Roberts (have to go through Canada to get there). Two of our School Psychs are Canadian. We hired our intern to work a full School Psych caseload and the 2 existing School Psychs helped him.  He worked as a School Psych and came to us (the 2 S. Psychs) with questions. In Blaine, School Psychs do not counsel. We work our Special Education files and perform as part of our child study teams. The HS/coordinator S.Psych. has an office in the district office, the other 2 have offices in the buildings. Our entire district (outside of Pt. Roberts School) is located within 1 square block and we walk from building to building. We will only hire a paid intern if we have an open position (which is likely) and we are unable to hire a School Psychologist because of availability. We would be happy to work with an unpaid intern regardless of opening positions.
Central Kitsap School District  Yes Jan X I am flexible in working with interns and I'm a former school psychologist myself.  We are committed to meeting all of the internship requirements and the internship plan is determine prior to the school-year.  I assign a primary supervisor, but also check in with both the intern and supervisor at regular intervals.  I don't assign more than two buildings per psychologist. We have a behavior specialist and autism specialist on staff to support our staff and students and work collaboratively with our psychs.  I'm happy to offer a traditional internship experience and meet the needs of the intern or move in the direction of emergency certification if of interest to the intern.  My goal is for our interns to have a successful internship experience and want to stay with the district after the internship year.
Central Valley School District  Yes X Interns work under one assigned supervisor. 
Deer Park School District (Area 8) Yes March X Deer Park School District has provided school psychologist practicum and internship experiences for years. The district has a structured-pre-referral process, utilizes MTSS principles and the school psychologist has a demonstrated leadership role in the district. School psychologists are building-based and there are meetings throughout the year with the school psychologists and counselors.
Eastmont School District (Area 2) Yes
Edmonds School District (Area 1B) Yes Jan X Dual role at elementary level; interns often get hired if there are openings; psychs based at district office; gradual roll-out of duties; possibility of more than one supervisor, as we try to give them experience at all levels. Each intern will have a primary supervisor.  Supervisors and interns will have cohort support from the district on a monthly basis.  We practice gradual release training for most interns and most interns will have a job embedded opportunity for counseling.  Each psych is building based with no less than one psych per building.  We look to hire from our intern group as a first priority for the next hiring cycle.
Elma School District (Area 5) Yes March X
Enumclaw School District (Area 1D) Would like to Contact director X Supervised by one of our School Psychologists, usually one with NCSP credentials.  Interns share the caseload at the same buildings as their supervisor for the first half of the year.  The second half of the year, the intern manages the caseload at one building.  The intern is also provided with cases at each grade level Pre-K through 12th grade.  As far as counseling, it is determined by the intern and their supervisor how much they get involved with counseling.  The intern is primarily responsible for managing evaluations.
Ephrata School District (Area 2) Would like to Summer X We are a small district of about 2200 students and two school psychologists.  We have approximately 280 students in special education in six schools.  Primary responsibilities of the school psychologists are evaluations to determine eligibility for special education and behavior planning, including FBAs and BIPs.
Everett School District (Area 1B) Yes Jan X X Generally when working with school psychology interns, there is a primary supervisor in the schools, but you will also receive experience outside of the primary assignment.  Our goal is to provide some experience with preschool, elementary, middle and high school as well as access to programs offering mild to intensive levels of student support in order to provide you a well-rounded and complete experience.  Interns are invited to participate in professional development opportunities offered by the psychologist group and the district.  Interns are expected to carry a modified caseload with specific evaluation cases assigned to them with supervisor support always available.  As school psychologists in Everett we not only complete evaluations, but also serve on student staffing teams, assist with functional behavioral assessments, assist with interventions using RTI frameworks and work collaboratively with school teams to assist individual students.  We may be a part of crisis intervention in some schools and may teach some classes or counseling groups with special education staff in other schools. We are seen as an important part of the school.  We work with each school to develop our role within the school. Psychologists are building-based with elementary level psychologists typically covering two buildings and secondary level psychologists typically carrying one building.  We hope that you will find the internship application process in Everett to be thoughtful and based on matching your needs and interests.
Evergreen School District (Clark)  Yes Contact director One supervisor, but opportunities are available at multiple sites/levels; the experience can be negotiated between the supervisor & intern based upon interest & program requirements
Federal Way School District (Area 1D) Yes Dec/Jan X 1 experienced psychologist becomes a mentor;  Interns participate in group professional activities (whole group + "Investigation Team" - smaller groups researching a specific topic of interest to the group).  One of the Lead Psychologists meets with interns on a regular basis to support them and relate back their needs to the administrators.  Interns access the full range of possible experience, might step in even in a more significant capacity when needed and accepted;  Some psychologists do provide counseling to students.  Psychologist are assigned to specific buildings.  MS have one psychologist per building; in case of low student numbers, they may be assigned as assistance to other schools. There are only two buildings each SP serves in FWPS currently (it is a goal of the group to manage workload this way).  Interns, on some occasions, get support for attending professional events.
Ferndale School District (Area 3) Yes Feb X One or more supervisors (possible)  Participate in team meetings/ PLC  Roles/caseload TBD  No more than two building assignments  Building based  Opportunity for group/ classroom/ team participation
Grandview School District (Area 6) Yes Jan X
Highline School District (Area 1D) Yes Jan X X Psychs are building based.  Normally, interns have one supervisor.  There's a lot of support available and interns are welcomed with open arms. That intern shares assignments with the hosting supervisor. Depending on interest and experience of the intern, we flex the experience to meet the needs of the intern. Our hope and drive in the internship is to develop competent, confident school psychologists who want to join the field and our district. School psychologists are based out of their buildings for the most part (some positions are based out of the district office--e.g., Early Childhood evaluations; Private School Evaluations). Typically speaking our psychologists do not have more than two buildings. Most psychologists who have more than one building "share" the second building. We have the most amazing psychologist department! It's a big part of what keeps me in Highline. We also have the most amazing families and kids too! All buildings have school counselors and supervisors work with the counselors to support the intern's needs for their assignments and interests. Interns do not have their own caseloads, but work closely with their supervisor and take on additional work and responsibilities at a pace agreed upon by the intern and supervisor. Interns have opportunity to attend district-provided PD, including the psychology department's internal PD around use of the Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses model for identifying SLD.
Hoquiam School District (Area 5) Would like to
Issaquah School District (Area 1C) Yes Dec X Each intern has one primary supervisor who communicates with the university.  They will have 2 or more other supervisors at other schools so they get exposed to all grade levels and district programs (behavior programs, pre-school, transition, and severe disability programs).   No specific supports/programs.  Interns are not expected to have their own caseload, though by the end of the year, many are managing cases independently.  Internship includes all the roles that Issaquah psychologists have.  Counseling is not a part of our role in Issaquah, but interns will have opportunities to do individual or group counseling.  School psychs are building based.   One psych in each building usually, no more than 2 building per psych.  We like to train good interns and usually hire our interns.
Kelso School District (Area 7) Yes March X
Kennewick School District (Area 10) Yes Jan X Interns work under the supervision of a school psychologist.  We make every effort to provide a rick experience at the level(s) and with programs of interest to the intern candidate.  Our school psychologists are able to determine, based on their areas of expertise and caseload, whether they will include counseling services as part of their role, most choose not to play an expanded role. Interns will work on their mentor psychologist caseload and under mentor direction but will be required to complete the various tasks of the school psychologist as independently as possible.  Typically we assign one psych per building. 
La Conner School District (Area 3) Yes Jan X X May be across two small districts (with the same supervisor.)
Lake Stevens School District (Area 1B) Yes Contact director X X
Lake Washington School District  Yes Contact director
Mukilteo School District (Area 1B) Yes Feb/March Interns have a primary supervisor and location. Experiences from preschool through the 18-20 transition programs are provided to help provide a global experience of special services top to bottom. I can only speak for my building at a high school level but integrated counseling services  are a daily component of my daily practice. 
North Thurston Public Schools  Yes
Northshore School District (Area 1B) Yes Contact director X We provide one primary supervisor but will also provide a supplementary supervisor if the student wants to experience both elementary and secondary.  Our interns are part of our psychologist team and they are able to participate in experiences from preschool to adult transition.  We have a very supportive team and we make sure that interns have a gradual release of responsibility so that they are ready for the next challenge.  Interns are not expected to have their own caseload however, we seek to have them become more independent within their supervisor's school so that they are able to feel what it is like to support a school on their own by the end of the year.  We provide counseling opportunities for students dependent upon their areas of interest.    School psychologists are building based in our district and generally have caseloads that allow them to be assigned only one or two schools at the most.  Additionally, our interns will have the opportunity to occasionally work directly with the Director of Secondary Special Education (a school psychologist) in order to receive feedback and guidance.  Finally, we have generally been able to offer positions and hire our interns if they desire to seek a position in our district.
Oak Harbor School District (Area 3) Yes Feb X Interns would be included in PBIS training. They would share a portion of their supervisors caseload. They would have one supervisor. The role includes testing and assisting with building and student interventions. Our psychs have no more than two buildings. Caseloads are below the average in the area. 
Pasco School District (Area 10) Yes Jan X
Prosser School District (Area 10) Yes Feb We strive to provide internships that allow a preschool-high school experience so the intern leaves prepared for any level.  We also support them in focusing on their professional area/level of interests.  Interns have their own caseloads and are based in their assigned building. The role of the intern would be to assess students, hold eligibility meeting, manifestations meeting and social skills groups for any autistic students on their case load. The intern would have the support of the building psychologist during their internship.
Puyallup School District (Area 9) Yes Jan X Interns within Puyallup are assigned to a 'lead' psychologist within the district and spend much of the first semester working with that psychologist. Typically we start at the elementary level, and then work to branch out to junior high and high school experience during 2nd semester. We work with each intern to ensure that all program requirements are met as best we can within the internship year. If there are specific programs that the intern is wanting to experience, we work to match them with a lead psychologist who also works with that program(s). We do not expect interns to handle their own cases until both the intern and supervisor feel they are ready, and even at that time, the supervisor remains available for consultation purposes. Our district holds monthly psychologist meetings where we get together to receive updated information from our Student Services office and we are working to build more professional development within that time as well. At this time, our district continues to use the discrepancy model to determine SLD, but we continue to learn about additional qualification methods. Counseling is currently limited within our roles, but there are psychologists within our district who choose to run groups and provide counseling on a case by case basis. Psychologists within our district are assigned to one to two buildings depending on size (we are currently staffed at approximately 1:1000) but report to the Student Services office. We have an Educational Specialist (Teacher on Special Assignment) who serves as a liaison between the school building and Student Services in addition to a special education Administrator who is assigned to the building. The psychologist group is very collegial in nature, and is very willing to consult and support one another when needed. Internships within Puyallup are paid on the classified scale and you are hired for the full school year.     For additional information or questions, please see our website at You can also contact Karen Mool, Executive Director at 253.841.8700 or Christina Bren, School Psychologist Coordinator at 253.604.3696.
Renton School District (Area 1C) Yes Feb X One supervisor with opportunity to work with other psychs at a variety of sites  One psych per building and no more than two buildings per psych  Full time preschool position possible  Birth to three psych works 0.8  Interns take on caseload as they can handle it, typically slowly and building to full responsibility by mid year with supervision  Different sites have varying opportunities for counseling and building leadership. Interns are supervised by one main supervisor. Renton School District developed a training scope and sequence manual that we follow. Interns do NOT carry their own caseload and are provided a wide array of experiences. We feel obligated to train our interns thoroughly and do not engage in emergency certification practices. School psychologists are building-based practitioners. We have a fantastic and collegial team of psychologists and we meet weekly to consult on cases.
Richland School District (Area 10) Yes Feb X X We try to have our interns experience and spend time with several school psychologists in the district. We usually have our interns take on their own caseload as they are deemed ready (some are ready sooner than others). This is usually done after consulting with the University supervisor. 
Seattle Public Schools (Area 1A) Yes Nov X X The internship experience can be highly tailored to fit the intern’s interests.  Each intern will be matched with a primary internship supervisor who will be the main point of contact and the person who fills out the quarterly/semester evaluations for the intern’s graduate program.  We do expect the interns to gain experiences across levels (elementary, middle, and high), and the team leaders and/or internship supervisors will help to arrange those experiences.  Interns will start with shadowing, observing, and receiving direct supervision, but then we expect interns to gradually become more independent in terms of taking on evaluation cases, being pro-active about setting up opportunities for consultation, counseling, and intervention, and seeking out additional experiences in areas of interest.    Seattle is a fabulous place in which to gain your internship experience.  We are the largest district in the state, which comes with both its benefits and challenges.  We have a wide variety of special programs and student demographics, so you will have the opportunity to gain experience in virtually any area of specific interest.  Moreover, SPS has a large availability of career advancement opportunities, and there is a very high likelihood that you will be hired at the end of your internship.  There is also the potential for emergency certification during your internship.
Selah School District (Area 6) Yes
Shoreline School District (Area 1B) Yes Feb X *They get a desk next to mine so continual supervision, discussion and high level conversation about Seahawks and Gonzaga basketball.  *They are expected to engage in individual and small group counseling and academic intervention  *They are expected to actively engage in building-wide activities such as PBIS; mental health  *They are expected to engage in activities that expose them to general ed (e.g. supervise a club)  *They will be with me at the high school till Jan then they will be assigned to other level programs from preschool to middle school.  They will still spend Fridays with me for supervision.  *They will be expected to visit unique programs around the state such as School for Blind in Vancouver; day treatment programs in hospital settings; institutional settings  *Emphasis not on completing tons of evaluations- every evaluation will be handpicked for its uniqueness 
Snohomish School District (Area 1B) Yes Dec X
Snoqualmie Valley School District  Yes Jan X
Spokane School District (Area 8) Yes Contact director X
Sumner School District (Area 9) Yes
Sunnyside School District (Area 6) Yes Jan X Each Psych handles the role and what they are included in their building differently.  One psych per building with the exception of the high school there is two. Each quarter the intern moves to a different grade level, with a new supervisor. All of the supervisors have 10+ years of experience. The intern works with students from pre through 12. The intern has a very small case load 2-3 students of their own but are still supervised throughout the process. In accordance with graduation requirements the intern does some individual and group counseling at whatever level they please. All supervisors cater to any requests of the intern if there is anything they want to experience or try. Interns are assigned to one supervisor but usually spend time working with all the psychs and buildings in the district.   Caseload is split with supervisor at beginning of internship slowly working toward the intern having their own caseload. 
Tahoma School District (Area 1C) Yes X
Tonasket School District (Area 2) Would like to In considering this potential option, one supervisor, a psychologist mentor with shared caseload to own caseload when skills are independent.  Behavior management, PBIS, RtI support would be a large component. 
Union Gap School District (Area 6) Yes
Valley School District (Area 8)
White River School District (Area 9) Yes X Not posted. Applications can be made at any time. Candidates use regular online application, choose 'Certificated' under the Interests tab and then under the Preference tab they choose 'School Psychologist Intern'
Yakima School District (Area 6) Yes X

Washington State Association of School Psychologists
816 W. Francis Ave #214
Spokane, WA 99205

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